Boardmember or Executive? Join us for this free webinar on Embedding Sustainability and SDGs

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“Embedding Sustainability and SDGs: How to Drive Organizational Transformation,” hosted by Boards Impact Forum in collaboration with the Scandinavian Executive Institute.

November 12 th. – 12.30-14.00 CET

This event addresses the crucial challenge of embedding sustainability into every facet of an organization to enhance performance and secure long-term success.

Tailored for board directors or excecutives, the session emphasizes the importance of integrating sustainability throughout operations to create a cohesive, purpose-driven organization. Renowned sustainability leader Pia Heidenmark Cook will present her book of the same title, drawing on her extensive experience at IKEA to provide practical tools, strategies, and solutions for overcoming common hurdles in sustainability implementation.

The event is hosted by Boards Impact Forum in collaboration with the Scandinavian Executive Institute.

Presenters and Panelists;

Pia Heidenmark Cook, Senior Advisor to Ingka Group/IKEA, former Chief Sustainability Officer, and top influencer in sustainability and climate change. During her time, IKEA ranked in the top three most sustainable brands and managed to decouple carbon dioxide emissions from its commercial growth across the value chain. Pia has worked with sustainability in the corporate sector for over 25 years and, since leaving IKEA, combines senior advisory with board non-executive roles including Bupa, MAX Burgers and Origin Materials.

Julie Baddley. Julie is one of the UK’s most experienced women directors having served in both an executive and non-executive capacity on the boards of leading public companies, as well as major public sector organisations, and across a range of sectors including consumer, retail, industrial, financial and professional services. Chair of the Climate governance initiative

Lars Husberg, Chairman of the Board in three private and family owned companies in Finland. He is also a Partner at Boardman, with a mission to support owners, board members and management teams in their mutual collaboration and decision-making processes. Lars is a strategy and business transformation practitioner. He has successfully led transformations as CEO, in other operational senior positions, as advisor to CEOs and now as chairman and member of boards. 


Steen Buchreitz Jensen

+45 2069 8569

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